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Calling All Moms! You Are Not Alone.


Many of my clients are moms…amazing moms who are deeply committed to providing a fun, safe, and nurturing environment for their child/ren. From seeking out the latest childhood health tips to finding the cutest craft projects on Pinterest, they work tirelessly to be the best moms they know how to be. Yet, in spite of their unconditional love and desire to do right by their children, many of these moms experience feelings of insecurity and guilt – unsure if they’re doing a good enough job, questioning if they’re really meeting their kids’ needs, and nervously comparing their faults to the flawless images of other moms who seem to be able to do it all.

therealthingIf you are a mom and find yourself feeling less than, unsure, and at times even “crazy,” then you may be due for a good dose of Scary Mommy – an “online parenting community for imperfect parents.” What started as a simple blog to chronicle the adventures of Jill Smokler‘s three young children, has now turned into an internet mecca for moms around the world seeking validation, camaraderie, and a necessary reminder that most of us really aren’t “crazy” even though we may feel that way most days. Her blogs pull on all of your emotions, at times leaving you with tears from laughing so hard and at other times helping you to remember the beautiful moments of motherhood. Her blogs include laugh-out-loud Top 10 Lists (such as “10 Ways Birthday Parties Suck“), heartfelt essays about raising children with special needs (example, “Something’s Not Right With Our Boy“), and poignant reminders of our powerful role as “Mom” (like in “The Myth of Protection“).

AttentionWhile this blog has over 84,000 followers on Facebook (!) and 302,000 followers on Twitter (!!), it is not for everyone. Many of the posts are designed to shed light on the craziness of motherhood, tactfully utilizing profanity and sarcasm to emphasize the woes and challenges of parenting. For many, this is exactly what they’re looking for – a humorous, raw look at the day-to-day monotony that can leave us feeling crazy. But, have no fear, plenty of posts also touch on the beautiful and serious moments of parenting. A perfect blend of “Child, you’re driving me crazy today!” and “I can’t imagine my life without you!”

If you like this, then please share!

Dr. Ashley Southard

Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Dr. Ashley Southard is a Complex Trauma Therapist and Eating Disorder Expert. Check her out on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for heartfelt inspiration and life-changing education.

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